Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Ok First day out and about in Tokyo. We went to see a temple that cant remember the name of at this very moment.

this was the gate when you first walk in.

These guys are gods. they don't look very friendly.

Some old Japanese lady came over to fawn over the little girls and gave little origami cranes.
Quincey, Josephine and Kimble all have pretty, soft curly hair and the Japanese love it! One lady said they looked just like dolls. We kept getting stopped so people could take pictures with them.

This is carved under the giant paper lantern.

After you pass the gate there is this long street of shops. They sell little souvenir things. After a while I noticed they all kinda carried the same stuff.

Pagoda once we arrived at the temple.


These are giant sandals. They stay there so if the Gods come to visit they can wear them.

I told you people were crazy about these girls.

The view from the top of the temple stairs.

The ceilings were painted. I couldn't get a good one of the dragon.

The shrine inside the temple. It looks blurry because it is behind a chain male curtain. I have never seen that much gold in one place. it was beautiful.

Cool Samurai fountain

You wash your hands with the ladles then turn, clap your hands together and bow to the temple.

Kimble with tuna all over her face lol.

I thought this gut looked way nicer than the other two.

I could never eat food that has been sitting uncovered out on a street side.

I haven't seen one of these since I left the states.

This is a scaled model of Tokyo

Its supposed to be the Olympic flam but the boys called it the golden turd.

Over head view of the street of shops.

This is the skytree. Its the tallest building in Tokyo.

All in all today was a fun day. We are all exhausted. My sore throat has evolved into a full blown cold. So depending on what is on the agenda for tomorrow, I may stay behind and try to sleep it off.


  1. Oh, it must be good to be you! Wish I had been along to see all these wonderful sites but the photos are the next best thing. Thanks for sharing!


  2. Your not allowed to get sick!

    Giant Golden Turd...or Booger! Its a mystery!
