Monday, May 14, 2012

Yesterday we went to the bamboo forest and to see the wild monkeys.  There was a garden between the two full of azaleas.  They were beautiful. The monkeys were just walking around everywhere. One walked right up to me when I was sitting on a bench. We saw a baby just old enough to wander a foot ore two away from his mama but he still had no teeth. We have some photos of him suckling. It was too cute. We went to a playground for the kids and as usual the blond haired blue eyed baby had an entourage of Asians.

Today we went on a tour and some some different temples. They were gorgeous, the best I have seen yet.  However, the tour was very rushed and we found ourselves withing we had just gone on our own. Tonight we are going to the Gion district to have dinner and see the Geisha.

Friday, May 11, 2012

So quite a bit has happened so far. Last time I posted was Tuesday. Wednesday my cold escalated and I stay in bed fighting a fever all day. I turned out the children's museum we were going to was closed and it rained, so it ended up not being a total loss. Thursday we went to Tokyo Disney Sea. I was still sick but I would have to be almost catatonic to pass up a Disney trip. On Friday we checked out of the hotel and took the bullet train down to Kyoto.

We`re not staying in a hotel. Nope, this time we are renting a little traditional Japaneses house. It is pretty awesome. We got Chinese food for dinner last night and today we went to the tori gate. I have to say. Tokyo was a pretty cool experience. However, I was looking forward to Kyoto the most and so far I have not been disappointed. Except for the fact that it is freezing here, which makes no sense because we are way further south than Tokyo. Making my mistake of packing for Okinawa weather even more regrettable.  There is so much culture here. The scenery is beautiful and it doesn't smell like gas and potties.

I do have photos to post but I cant post them right this moment. You see before the hotel I was staying in was a military instillation so the power outlets were the same as the ones we use in the states. Here, however, we don't have that luxury. I am currently using a computer provided with the house.  I want to save the battery power on my computer So I can call mom on mothers day. After that If I have enough battery power I will put up the pictures. If not I will just have to wait until I get home.

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Ok First day out and about in Tokyo. We went to see a temple that cant remember the name of at this very moment.

this was the gate when you first walk in.

These guys are gods. they don't look very friendly.

Some old Japanese lady came over to fawn over the little girls and gave little origami cranes.
Quincey, Josephine and Kimble all have pretty, soft curly hair and the Japanese love it! One lady said they looked just like dolls. We kept getting stopped so people could take pictures with them.

This is carved under the giant paper lantern.

After you pass the gate there is this long street of shops. They sell little souvenir things. After a while I noticed they all kinda carried the same stuff.

Pagoda once we arrived at the temple.


These are giant sandals. They stay there so if the Gods come to visit they can wear them.

I told you people were crazy about these girls.

The view from the top of the temple stairs.

The ceilings were painted. I couldn't get a good one of the dragon.

The shrine inside the temple. It looks blurry because it is behind a chain male curtain. I have never seen that much gold in one place. it was beautiful.

Cool Samurai fountain

You wash your hands with the ladles then turn, clap your hands together and bow to the temple.

Kimble with tuna all over her face lol.

I thought this gut looked way nicer than the other two.

I could never eat food that has been sitting uncovered out on a street side.

I haven't seen one of these since I left the states.

This is a scaled model of Tokyo

Its supposed to be the Olympic flam but the boys called it the golden turd.

Over head view of the street of shops.

This is the skytree. Its the tallest building in Tokyo.

All in all today was a fun day. We are all exhausted. My sore throat has evolved into a full blown cold. So depending on what is on the agenda for tomorrow, I may stay behind and try to sleep it off.

Monday, May 7, 2012

I arrived in Tokyo last night. I am reading The Game of Thrones book series, so the flight went by quickly. Using the Subway system with all of our luggage was a bit of a headache. I have a sore throat and I'm hoping it doesn't get any worse. We are going to see some temples today. I will start taking pics today. We tried to go to the hard rock cafe but it was closed until June for remodeling. The kids have a ton of energy but they make things fun. It is so hot in Okinawa, it didn't even occur to me that it would be any different here. Needless to say I am getting ready to go down stairs and by a jacket from the Exchange. Our hotel is lovely and its a military hotel so the pricing is super low. They charge according to your rank so the price would be much cheaper if I want to come back on my own on a later date. Well that's the update as of now. I will post more later.

Saturday, May 5, 2012

Tomorrow I leave for Tokyo!!! I am so excited about this vacation. I have had so much going on I feel like I need a break. I finally am getting taken off meal card. Soon I will be able to buy my own food and not get sick to my stomach every time I eat. I will be sure to post lost of pics of my trip.