Saturday, June 30, 2012


OMG I know I have been the worst when it comes to keeping up this blog. My internet is just so horrible. I make it a point to do the big stuff then I am done fighting with it. I started school through BYU independent study. Its looking like if I get accepted for this commissioning scholarship I will probably either be going to UC Davis or UI Bloomington. I am leaving on tuesday for the main land again. This time my friend Kate and I are going to climb Mt. Fuji. We are also going to disney land. You know me, I can never get enough Disney. I have more pics to post but they are on my computer and I am using someone elses. I am house sitting for a few weeks. Their place is way nicer than mine. They have a 360 degree veiw and it is pretty awesome.

Last weekend I had quite the adventure. I went to the aquarium with some friends. It was pretty cool, but not nearly as cool as where we had dinner. My friend Trygve got to pick the restaraunt and he chose this place called the beach rock cafe. We were in the middle of nowhere on a dirt road trying to find this place. It was like silence of the lambs in the jungle. finally we find it. It was a hippie commune and we totally ordered home made pizza from an actual Italian in a yurt in japan and ate it in an awesome tree house complete with fireman pole and swing. It hung over a ravine so under our feet there was nothing but air then jungle.

I also learned that my sense of humor is a little different from the people I hang out with. We played this game, I cant remember what I is called, but you draw a card and it says something like" whats something you would never say to your boss". Everyone writes down a reply and we try to guess who wrote what. The first one was "Something that shouldn't be on your front lawn" I put a Pot Brownie Stand. Another was "something you cant stop" I put People from falling in love with me. And the last was "something you would never say to your boss" I put Your boyfriend says I am a better kisser. I thought it was all uproarious and so did my closer friends. However, I had a lot of people looking at me funny at the end of the night. Oh well I know I am goofy so I should be used to it. Honestly I think they are just jealous that they did not come up with such cleaver responses.  

1 comment:

  1. So there you are! It's a shame your Internet connection is so sucky but it sounds like you're too busy enjoying life to sit in front of a computer anyway, There'll be plenty of time for that later on. I think the purpose of that game was to get to know the players better by their responses. You sound like a great person to hang out with.
