Sunday, February 26, 2012

The rest of the Iwo Jima Pics!

This Memorial was dedicated to everyone who lost their lives at the battle of Iwo Jima. The battle lasted about a month and it had the highest death toll in the history of the marine corps. 

This Memorial was dedicated a few decades later by both American and Japanese WWII veterans.

The top of that volcano is our destination

Massive cannon! I dont know why but this was one of my favorite parts of the trip.

I noticed this rock looks like a mans face right side up and upside down.

Another Memorial

By far one of the most moving parts of the trip. These are the dog tags and insignia of all the service members who have come to pay homage.

I got to leave my dog tags there.

Close up

This was where that famouse photo of the five marines and one navy corpsman posting our nations flag was taken. Three of those boys were killed in battle a few days after the picture was taken.

I dont know the last time this volcalno erupted but there is steam coming up out of it. The picture doesnt show it.

Lol I see a lot of water on a regular basis

Joining the airforce is by far one of the best things I could have ever done. I rock the uniform lol 

Saturday, February 25, 2012

feb 26 2012

     I am sorry I can't get pictures up more often. I can only upload like 5 or 6 at a time and it takes forever just to do that. I don't ever find myself in one place long enough to sit and do it. I think I am the kind of person that isn't really happy unless I am stressed out about something. I thrive under the pressure. It seems that I am always looking for different things to concern myself with. I am very happy with my life, so I have decided its ok.
     I went camping last weekend up at Okuma. It wasn't my best outing but it was fun all the same. We hiked up to Hiji falls. I don't know if you could really call it a hike because there was a path pretty much the whole way. I am going on a real hike next weekend up to the summit of Mt Yonaha next weekend, if the weather permits. It rains here a lot. Mt. Yonaha is the highest peak on the island. I thought it would be good practice for climbing Mt. Fuji in July.
     So it turns out my fear on the ocean is way worse than I thought. I have always had to force myself to get in it and every time I go I try to push myself a little out of my comfort zone. However, last weekend I went way out of my comfort zone and it was terrible. My friends wanted to go wake boarding and the water was really choppy. I should have stayed on land but I agreed to go out on the boat with them. I almost cried I was so terrified. Had the water been any more rough I probably would have had a panic attack. I did a great job of making a fool of myself. lol Next weekend might also be whale watching!

Sunday, February 19, 2012

There were 11 mi of underground tunnels on the island, which is pretty cool considering the island is only 7.5 mi long.

There were a lot of marines

These little guys are all over. There is one that lives in my room. I named him Eduardo and I told him he could stay if he eats the bugs.

There is a lot of remnants of the war left on the island.

Me and A1C Underwood. We were the only AF E3's

The only way to get to the island is on a marine C130

Trip to Okuma

So this weekend we went camping at okuma. I wish it wasnt freezing but it was fun anyway. We went to higi falls and I forgot my camera. Sorry. I did, however, learn that I am more terrified of the ocean then I thought I was. I acted like a tottal idiot and almost cried. The water was really choppy so it was probably not the best day to try to trump my fears. I also learned that people can be really dumb. Well I guess I already new that, it was just recomfirmed this weekend. I'm going out for honor guard. There is two weeks of training and so far I have really enjoyed it. Its all about lookin good I I do that well ;)

Saturday, February 4, 2012

cherry blossoms

So I have been having trouble getting pictures up because my Internet is terrible but I'll figure it out. Today I went with my friend to Nago to see the cherry blossoms. We got to walk around some castle ruins and take pictures. There was a traditional Japanese wedding going on while we were there and not only did we get to watch but we were pulled in to dance at the end of the ceremony! It was pretty awesome.  We got lunch while we were there and I had a hot dog taco. I'm not kidding, it was a four tortilla with beans, taco meet, cheese and lettuce with a hot dog, covered with ketchup and mustard, inside. I have eaten some interesting stuff since I have been here, but this was special. We got crazy lost on the way home. The Japanese don't really believe in street signs so we just have to pick a road and hope it is the right one. Luckily, its an island so you can only get so lost. We had a good time though. Tonight I went to the annual award ceremony for the my wing. I was kinda nervous at first but after awhile it wasn't so bad. Everyone told me they expect to put me up there next year. I say we shall see. You have to be pretty awesome to make airmen of the year.